In 2012, Fantawild Animation Inc. launched the edutainment comedy Boonie Bears themed around environmentalism. It follows two nature-loving bears as they face off against the hapless lumberjack Logger Vick, who resides in the forest. The funny characters and amusing plots make it become a mega hit in no time. The concept "environmental protection happiness" is deeply rooted in the audiences' minds, and the classic lines "Protect
the forest --- the bear brothers' way" has become the vogue words among kids. The bear cartoon is now the most well-known Chinese animation the industry has ever seen.
Up until now, Boonie Bears series and movies have been broadcast on more than 200 TV channels domestically. It also ranks top on 5 largest video websites in China with more than 150 billion hits. The Boonie Bears movie franchise has twice broken box office records held by other Chinese animated features, exceeding 200 million USD in total.
Internationally, it has been distributed to 60+ countries and aired on many international networks including Disney, Sony, Netflix and Star Times. The feature films have been distributed to over 10 countries and territories, such as CIS, South Korea, Turkey, the Philippines, and Latin America.
A whirling, fast-paced sci-fi fantasy, this movie will transport you through the cartoon multiverse. The story follows an elite team of thieves, sent by a notorious treasure hunter from the real world to the animated realm to steal each universe’s most prized and powerful item. On learning of this evil plan that would destroy the cartoon world, the bear brothers, along with Logger Vick, join forces with a sassy archaeological robot and set out on a journey to save their world and find the Deer Clan’s legendary Golden Antlers before the villains do. From Pine Tree Mountain to the mysterious Deer Clan Forest, this ragtag group encounter many strange and wonderful creatures, including the keeper of the forest, a magical woodland girl from the Deer Clan.
Time is running out! Who will make it to the Golden Antlers first? Will the Boonie Bears’ World be saved? Follow us down the portal on an unforgettable adventure through these entan-gled
When a flood leaves Pine Tree Mountain in dire straits, the gang has never needed the fearless Briar more but he is nowhere to be found. As Bramble embarks on a journey to bring his brother back home with an unusual companion, Briar also finds some interesting new friends. Briar is welcomed into the ranks of a traveling circus where he finds glory and fame. But his new family may not be all that it seems. What secrets hide underneath this big top’s tent? Will Briar ever be reunited with his friends in Pine Tree Mountain? The Big Top Secret will take you on a wild ride on the flying trapeze landing you right in the middle of what it truly means to follow your dreams.
When a flood leaves Pine Tree Mountain in dire straits, the gang has never needed the fearless Briar more but he is nowhere to be found. As Bramble embarks on a journey to bring his brother back home with an unusual companion, Briar also finds some interesting new friends. Briar is welcomed into the ranks of a traveling circus where he finds glory and fame. But his new family may not be all that it seems. What secrets hide underneath this big top’s tent? Will Briar ever be reunited with his friends in Pine Tree Mountain? The Big Top Secret will take you on a wild ride on the flying trapeze landing you right in the middle of what it truly means to follow your dreams.
he Bear Brothers and Logger Vick are shocked to discover a tiny baby girl in their home among the pines. In order to care for her, these long-time enemies must do the unthinkable: Establish a truce! Yet even as
Yet even as these hombres undergo a crash-course in infant care ,danger lurks at every turn…For unbeknownst to them, nefarious scoundrels are hot on the trail of this Mystery Baby, and will stop at nothing until they’ve got her in their clutches—and her secret is revealed!
The Bear Brothers are determined to see this lovable sweetheart to safety—now it’s just a matter of hatching the perfect plan!