Fantawild Animation a leading animation studio specializing in design and production of original animation in China. It has been named as "National Key Animation Enterprise" and one of the "China's Top Ten Animation Companies". The company is devoted to building "Fantawild Animation" into a renowned animation brand in China and overseas.

Fantawild has produced more than 29 animated programs with a library content of over 30 thousand minutes, including animated brands of Boonie Bears, Brainy Bubbly Bug Buddies, Kung Fu Masters of the Zodiac and Chicken Stew. Since 2012, Boonie Bears has been the most popular cartoon and become the No.1 animated media franchise in China. With over 7000 minutes of content, Boonie Bears programs have been broadcast on more than 200 TV channels domestically with high rating records. It also ranks top on 7 largest video websites in China with more than 150 billion hits. Its 4 feature films have created many new records in China's animation history with total box-office of over 200 million USD.

Internationally, Fantawild's animation has been distributed to over 100 countries and territories and aired on many renowned international networks such as Disney, Sony, Netflix, Sun TV, and Star Times. Based on the great success of animation content and distribution, Boonie Bears licensing and merchandising is booming. So far, Fantawild has partnered with over 200 licensees and developed more than 2000 SKUs. The annual sales of Boonie Bears merchandise has exceeded 320 million USD and the number is still growing.

Based on its diversified industrial pattern, Fantawild realizes the perfect combination of animation, culture-tech theme parks, special effects films, live performances, game software, and consumer products, which consist of a well-established industrial chain and enable Fantawild to expand its potential market in an effective way.

  • Nomination, LIMA International Licensing Awards, 2016
  • Winner, Special Mention Award at the 22nd Cairo International Cinema and Arts Festival, 2015
  • Nomination, Cine Kids Award in Busan International Film Festival, 2015
  • Nomination, MIPJunior International Pitch, 2015
  • Nomination, Annecy Cristal for Best Feature Film, 2014
  • Nomination, Best Asian Property and Best Young Property of Asia by Asian Licensing Association, 2014
  • Winner, Best Animated Feature Film by Government Award of Chinese Culture and Arts, 2014
  • Winner, “Key Animation Product of 2013” by the Ministry of Culture
  • Winner, “Top 5 Art Works” issued by the Publicity Department of the CPC, 2012
  • Winner, Kids’ Jury Award at MIP junior, 2011
  • Official selection, Italy’s Pulcinella Awards, 2011
  • Winner, the Golden Award of “Monkey King Award” for Best Animated Series & Characters, the 9th and 10th CICAF
  • Winner, Top 10 Chinese Cartoon Characters and Top 10 Valuable Characters awarded by China Animation Association