Chicken Stew is a colorful and fast-paced animated series whose time-honored theme—the eternal chase—is given a zany spin.
Our story doggedly follows one of the most enduring struggles in the annals of barnyard-animal history: chicken versus weasel. Chicken Stew gives viewers a peek at the exploits of three independent-minded chickens who set out from Funny Farm to travel the world in search of adventure—and to escape the continuous threat of capture by two dastardly weasels on their trail!
Though highly deferential toward Uncle Wattles, the brave, no-nonsense Free Range is a different breed of fowl. He meets the weasel foe head-on, and never entertains the possibility of defeat.
A big, scruffy layabout, this rooster fancies himself a martial arts master of rare gifts. He reels off whoppers about having won matches with the improbable “Flying-Egg Fist” technique...but doesn’t happen to remember where or when he did so.
Diminutive bookworm, intrepid PC gamer. Keeps a cool head in the face of danager. Small Fry seldom speaks; this clever little chick tends to let her anvils, dynamite bundles, and strategically-placed furniture do the talking.
Slim’s younger, even-less-clever brother. This short, round, dedicated chicken-chaser is driven by the goal of whipping up the finest poultry-based cuisine in the county. Though he ultimately fails in his quest to snare a chicken, he does, in time, become an excellent chef.
The older half of the weasel duo, and “the brains of the outfit”—all things being relative. This irascible sneak-thief’s lifelong quest: to finally savor the delights of chicken for the very first time. And he’ll try every plot he can hatch in order to make that happen.